Cougar Volunteer Spirit
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Professor Patrick Harwood
Department of Communication


MUSC Children's Hospital

MUSC'S Kids' Very Own Patch Adams
By Anna Pepper Vaux

Emily Wallace
Emily Wallace (left) with a friend and co-worker while serving lunch at Charleston's Canterbury (Retirement) House

When Emily Wallace is spoken of, people cannot help but think of our very own Patch Adams. 

Emily volunteers at the MUSC Children’s Hospital where she plays with kids and helps bring a smile to their faces, so for a few hours they can forget about their illnesses. 

Emily began volunteering in high school when she was the editor-in-chief for her newspaper.  After four knee surgeries, it was difficult for Emily to find time to volunteer, but she did not let anything stop her.

This freshman has brought her high volunteering spirits with her here to CofC.  With a demanding typical first year schedule, Emily has done a wonderful job with balancing class, friends, family, and her kids at MUSC. 

About Emily Wallace...
Hometown: Marietta, Ga.
Degree Objective: Physical Education/ Health; I want to be a Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Expected Date of Graduation: 2010
Current Volunteer Activities:MUSC Children’s Hospital- Oncology/ Hematology playroom     
What are you most proud of contributing to your organization? The kids I work with are generally pretty sick (sometimes siblings come play too) and going through a lot in their young lives. They are used to people coming in and out of wherever they are in the hospital to give them medication or examine them or things like that.  To them, I am someone who is just there to do normal kid stuff with them. What we do is completely up to them, not their illnesses- it feels good to be someone “safe” for the kids- I’m there to play, not to talk to them about being sick or do anything medical… just play.  Also, I am able to give their parents a break. They spend countless hours, days, and weeks in that hospital caring for their child, and when I am there they can sit down and have some “adult time.”
Previous Volunteer Activities: Various events for children in Georgia; Charleston's Canterbury (Retirement) House.
What do you enjoy about community service? Working with kids and knowing I am doing something that makes them happy.  Plus, I get to be a kid again!! How often do college students take a few hours a week to play with Play-Doh, paint, color, play with toys… its fun for both of us!
What is your most memorable volunteer experience? The first time I realized I was making a difference to the kids I work with. One of the little girls I generally see every week was having a rough day and looked really down- I was walking in and waved to her and her eyes just completely lit up and she got excited and wanted to play! That’s an amazing feeling- just being there helped make a difference to her!
How do your friends/co-workers describe you? I would hope: personable, bubbly, loyal, curious
What would you tell someone who is thinking about volunteering?  Find an area that interests you and go for it! It feels great to know you are helping other people and if you are interested in what you are doing you will enjoy it more.  For me, I have always loved kids and I want to go into the medical field- so the area I work in is not only fun and rewarding, but I learn a lot. If you are not happy where you are volunteering- reevaluate and find somewhere else. I volunteered in an assisted living home and it just wasn’t for me- give your time somewhere you love.

In high school, I didn’t do as much volunteering as I wish I had. I was the editor- in- chief of our yearbook and had four knee surgeries from sophomore to senior year plus being a part of other clubs so finding a spot in my schedule that I could commit to volunteering was hard, I volunteered when I had the opportunity- not on a scheduled basis though.
