Cougar Volunteer Spirit
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Professor Patrick Harwood
Department of Communication


CHEC (Cougars Helping Enhance the Community)

Changing the World-- One Project at a Time
By Amanda Hale

Kat Lapelosa
Kat Lapelosa

Kat Lapelosa is a firm believer in the idea that your life can be changed in many ways simply by changing the lives of others.  She’s certainly doing her part in that way by working at the Community Service Center on campus putting students in touch with volunteer organizations in the Charleston area, and by volunteering for those organizations herself.

In fact, Kat’s volunteer history spans several states in the U.S., Ireland, and will soon include Africa. 

She has been volunteering all her life, and though she’s originally from New York, she hasn’t been content to keep her involvement local.  Kat’s giving back in projects all over the world!

About Kat Lapelosa...
Hometown: Franklin Square, N.Y.
Degree Objective:
Expected Date of Graduation:
May 2009
Current Volunteer Activities:
Operation Crossroads Africa, based out of NYC.  I also work at the CHEC community service center on campus.
Volunteer History:
Volunteering has always been a part of my life.  I have majorly volunteered every summer both domestically and abroad since high school, in places such as West Virginia, Ireland, and Africa this coming summer.
What drives you to volunteer?
People need help from other people.  If there is something I can do to make someone else’s life better, I will.
What volunteer accomplishment are you most proud of?
In West Virginia, I did a lot of community building for those less fortunate.  It was great to see how happy the people we helped were and how nice they were too.
What do you most enjoy about volunteering?
I like interacting with the people I am helping.  It is a great way to get to know the area you are working in and you get a lot of interesting stories out of it too.
What inspires you most?
I just keep thinking how I would want someone to help me out if I were in a situation that needed outside help.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?
Trying to balance school work, jobs, and outside activities.  Being involved takes a lot out of you!
How do your friends and co-workers describe you?
Hard-working, driven, laid-back.
